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Working Together

Services We Provide Our Clients and Other Companies

Solar Power Plant Supply and Installation
Solar Power Plant Services
Solar Car Parking Works
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging  Station
Renewable Energy Consultancies
Energy Efficiency Consultancies
And Other Green Energy Related Services

ALLSUN GROUP  takes over administrative readiness by providing comprehensively aggregated services starting from project conceptualisation, creation and support, to ensuring the complete execution of a solar PV plant and other solar energy activities across the spectrum, from offering individual support to full support, management, maintenance design as well as preventive registration.

Our service highlights:
Promoting and Growing Solar Energy Projects to Increase Resource Profits, Compliance with Risk Reduction Guidelines for Resource Owners and Financial Backers, Direct Representation of Power Plant O&M Installations, Issues and Operations
The comprehensive inclusion of our entire management in project execution is offered at the most  economical and sincere price that one can find on the market will undoubtedly intrigue you when you consider all the  strategies and plans we always present. Thus, we are fundametal and thorough organization that will ensure your business reflects excellence, quality and incentives for your money.

Here are the different services and sub-categories we offer:



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Site assessment: Our site review incorporates light and environment examination, rooftop investigation, far-concealing and shut concealing examination, cable and matrix accessibility  investigation and grouping and revealing under its domain, contingent upon the choice of the location.

Quality and redo appraisals are subsequently guaranteed by us. Our basic costs starts Rs.5000  onwards. Establishment Support: Installations of solar-based hardware are guaranteed to be undertaken with the educated ability by our promotor and our experts certified by ANERT, CMD, and National Skill Council. They manage all aspects of checking and documentation, module arrangements, primary limit, load figurines, and other related examination. 

Legal contacts with Authorities:
We take up liaison administrations with power board specialists like those from KSEB and other such electrical inspectorates for getting the requisite endorsements and network approvals for the ventures that we anticipate as per our clients’ requirements. Accordingly, we guarantee that our clients receive substantial reports endorsing their ventures through our effective associations.

Activity help: 
The tasks we undertake depend upon the agreements reached between our clients and us, which specify all of the assets accessible for enjoying the required administrations and these include: • Preventive and break-down maintenance services •Facilitation of multinational sites or rebuilding at any site and offering other fundamental assistance and work during the establishment cycle, as per the demand͘ • Other related backings

Proactive support: 
We provide unmatched proactive support in backing the rules of the plant and guaranteeing that even the smallest detail related to the project is not ignored. Our thorough support administration bundles all essential requirements of the project including every solar plant proprietor, solar-based venture designer, and financial backer and this setup ultimately helps in expanding framework uptime.

Operational bits of knowledge: 
Acquiring specialized bits of data on the operational parts of our client’s solar plant is a prerequisite to ensure the strength of our client’s gear and framework. As our customer’s O&M accomplice, we offer them the our support consistently and furnish them with understanding their plant's presentation and, therefore, the monetary returns it yields.

Guarantee Assistance: 
Our administrations cover guarantee examination and help look into the cases that draw every
framework and hardware within their activities. This, subsequently, incorporates drawn-out support arrangements with the hardware producers and project workers included. This, without question, comes with every single viewpoint covered under the guarantee claims. 

Any Brand Service Support: We can assist our clients with support for any brands’ products, which have a guarantee, or are out-of-guarantee, of any make from any place inside Kerala. After the primer site visits, it is the high-level chargeable premise; we'll provide a contribution to conduct maintenance only one time or offer AMC/CAMC administrations for a longer time frame as required by the client. The cost of the  same is communicated to the customer after the site visit. The preliminary site visit is chargeable and it is later adjusted in the next payment from the customer if the customer awards us the contract.


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Energy Efficiency Consultancies 

Consumer loyalty is our first duty and we offer energy efficiency consultation work to all our clients. This incorporates energy efficiency consultation administrations for business and non-commercial customers alike. Our clients realize that when they choose to work with ALLSUN ENERGY we'll support them right down the road. Reach us today to understand how we will help.

What we do: Informing customers about the alternative energy options available to them to fulfil their energy requirements and assisting them in creating frameworks to enhance their productivity.

Examining the customer's use of energy during earlier years and gathering information using information demonstrating programming.

Conducting field and possibility contemplates, writing compact and clear reports on our exploration results.

Communicating consistently to your customer to update them on progressing measures and suggesting the simplest energy arrangements.

Creating techniques while in transit to execute arrangements upholding our examination, presenting results to customers and suggesting choices on how they're going to improve their energy use in a reasonable manner.

Solar Plant Supply & Installation

Our Engineers at ALLSUN ENERGY are prepared to help our clients with any solar plant supply project or other renewable energy administrations they require. We are an all-inclusive resource and a  destination for all sorts of green energy related projects. To know more about our services, we kindly request you to connect with us and our team will guide you on the next steps. Further, we provide CAPEX, OPEX/PPA model-based solar oriented providing, and EMI-based loans for our business customers whose business in the last 3 years has received great CRISIL scores. We provide assistance to our customers located at any place in Kerala. Simply call us!

solar panel subsidy
electric vehicle charging station market

Renewable Energy Consultancies 

ALLSUN is committed to assisting other companies in supporting their customers to go green. Our engineers are prepared to help our clients with research momentum energy utilization patterns and market studies to identify which assets are pre-eminently expense effective, feasible, and available to our clients’ end-customers. We conduct an energy review and evaluate your customer's wellsprings of energy over the previous years. This information is analysed using information demonstrating programming to design procedures to upgrade future energy use. We conduct checks concerning elective, greener energy assets like solar-based assets or environmentally friendly power sources to enhance maintainability and productivity.

Help your customers to create up a simpler and environmentally friendly power utilization plan for the long term. Help plan new structures and make sure the energy frameworks that are exceptional, cost-proficient, and feasible. Use planning innovation to provide a far superior comprehension of  where an outsized portion of the energy inside an incredible organization is employed and the way it'll be better circulated in the longer term. Summarize your discoveries with intelligible and concise reports. Maintain proficient connections alongside your customers' employees and develop new business connections.

Likeiwse, we provide consultancy to leased terrains for MW scale projects, solar plants hooked into CAPEX, OPEX/PPA consultancy backing, and EMI-based loans for business clients* whose business, in the last 3 financial years, has received great CRISIL scores.

*Approval subject to the reasonability of site and finance partner’s acknowledgment.

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